
SA COVID-19 Economic Support Measures

Jane Cooper 9 September, 2021

Has your business been affected by the recent snap lockdowns announced in SA?

If so, please see below for the support tax free measures available to you and your business should you be eligible:

COVID-19 Business Support Grant – 20 July 2021

Business support grants of up to:


  • $3,000 for eligible employing businesses; and
  • $1,000 for eligible non-employing businesses;


are available for SA-located businesses which have (amongst other eligibility criteria):


  • had their turnover declined by at least 30% due to the COVID-19 health restrictions (imposed from the week commencing 20 July 2021);
  • an annual turnover of $75,000 or more in 2020 or 2021 (and be registered for GST); and
  • a 2020 Australia-wide payroll of less than $10 million.


Applications close 30 September


COVID-19 Additional Business Support Grant – 28 July 2021


Additional business support grants (mirroring the original 20 July 2021 grants) of up to:


  • $3,000 for eligible employing businesses;
  • $1,000 for eligible non-employing businesses; and
  • a further $1,000 ‘CBD’ grant for eligible businesses with a commercial premise in the Adelaide CBD.


These additional grants were announced on 9 August 2021 for businesses that have (amongst other eligibility criteria):


  • at least a 30% decline in turnover due to the COVID-19 health restrictions (imposed from the week commencing 28 July 2021);
  • operate in an eligible industry sector; and
  • have an Australia-wide payroll of less than $10 million in the 2020 financial year.


Importantly, when the July Business Support Grants are combined (i.e., the grants referable to both 20 July 2021 and 28 July 2021), an eligible CBD employing business would receive $7,000 in cash grants.


That is the $3,000 original grant + $3,000 additional grant + $1,000 CBD grant) to support their ongoing COVID-19 recovery.



Applications for the COVID-19 Additional Business Support Grant will close at 11:59pm on 17 October 2021


Major Events Support Grant


A Major Events Support Grant of up to $25,000 is available for the operators of major one-off events impacted by the SA July lockdown and subsequent trading restrictions and is available for employing businesses which have (amongst other eligibility criteria):


  • a 2020 Australia-wide payroll of less than $10 million; and
  • incurred a non-recoverable financial loss as a result of the cancellation or postponement.


Any of the COVID-19 Business Support Grants received (will be deducted from the Major Events Support Grant.


Applications will close on 17 October 2021.



Further information can be found

If you would like assistance please complete our online enquiry via our contact us button or by calling a GM Tax office closest to you.